IASI Visit to Indonesia Doknet Conference

IASI e.V participated in conference which was hosted by Indonesian Doctoral Network (Indonesia Doknet). The venue was held in University of Göttingen on 27-28 October 2012. Indonesia Doknet is an association of Indonesian and Germans Doctoral students whose research topics are focusing on Indonesia. This conference, which purpose is to share latest development in Indonesia, is held every year.
In this conference several interesting issues were discussed. In the first part of the conference, development of research and technology partnership between Indonesia and Germany was discussed. Then there was a narration of a publisher which specialized on dissertation publishing. In the end, IASI President Adam Pamma presented partnership possibility between Indonesia Doknet and IASI in the future. In general Adam’s presentation received a positive response from the audience, especially when IASI promoted its Indonesian Doctoral Symposium plan for next year.
For future information of this event, please contact Aditya Perdana.